Light the Shadows (A Grimm Novel) Page 10
Lying there as long as he dared, he allowed the worst pains to fade away. He wouldn’t die from the injuries. In fact, they’d heal in moments, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t in pain. He might have lain there longer had the girl in the bloody dress not stared down at him from the balcony. There was a devious little smile on her face, and he didn’t dare linger a moment longer. Instead, he limped past the pool gate and drove away on his motorcycle.
He was content to go home, nurse his wounded body and pride, but a troubling thought struck him as he sped down the deserted side roads. What did the shadows mean with their snarky remark about him being unable to protect the woman? Was Micah in danger? What did he care? She was nothing to him.
“Fuck!” He accelerated through an empty four-way and pushed the motorcycle to its limits. Within minutes, he was on the outskirts of town and rolling to a stop in front of Micah’s house. There were two sedans parked out front, and the lights were on despite the hour. For just a moment, he considered leaving.
The crunch of gravel whipped his head around, and the scythe slid into his hand.
“You missed the party, sweetie,” someone said as they emerged from the darkness around the porch area. The freaky orange hue of the woman’s hair was like a beacon as she drew closer.
Sully cursed under his breath and allowed the scythe to return to its hidden place. The stench of cigarettes stung his senses as Karla gripped his arm and leaned against him.
"Party for what?" he asked.
"Micah's first sale since being back." Karla's gait was wobbly as she dragged him toward the small front porch. The smell of alcohol tainted her breath. “I don’t know why everyone’s making such a big deal out of it. It was just a shabby little ranch style over on Sunview.”
When he gave her a blank stare, she said, “There’s nothing fancy about it. It was only a hundred thousand, hardly a premier property.”
He tried to take his arm back without jerking it away, but Karla’s fingers were clamped down like an iron vise. She pulled him inside, and everyone turned to look at them. Micah’s eyes widened slightly, and then she glanced away. A fierce blush burned on her cheeks as she slid off the barstool and moved toward him.
“Would you excuse us a moment?” she asked her friends, then grabbed his wrist. Her grip was not gentle.
“Who is that?” A guy who looked like a total douchebag in designer hipster clothes asked the question. He didn’t seem very happy that Sully had stolen Micah’s attention. The dark haired woman at his side glared daggers at him.
“Man candy.” Karla practically purred as she slid onto Micah’s vacated stool.
Micah pushed Sully into the living room then glared up at him. “You have some nerve showing up here.”
This wasn’t at all what he expected. He’d hoped she would be home alone and he’d have time to think of something brilliant to say. Instead, he stared down at her, at a loss for words. She was pissed. He could see it in her eyes and the way she held herself. And she was freaking gorgeous in the little black halter dress that hugged her every curve. It was short enough to give him a mouthwatering view of her luscious legs, but long enough to leave a little to the imagination. And he’d bet anything she was braless. His mouth watered at the temptation.
Micah tucked a tendril of hair behind her ear. “What are you doing here, Sully?”
He’d better come up with something good, real quick. Before he could speak, she gripped his arm and leaned close. Her perfume, a light, sweet, and flowery scent, invaded his senses and left him dizzy with lust.
“What you did to me…” A fierce blush stained her cheeks.
His cock twitched at the memory, and his balls ached with need. He’d been a fool to think he was immune to her. “You didn’t seem to mind. In fact, you were begging for it.”
Her eyes widened, and then she glanced over her shoulder at the people in the kitchen. They were moving about now, cleaning up and bringing the get-together to an end it seemed. Every now and then they’d glance into the living room, probably hoping for a snippet of conversation.
The douchebag was standing at the edge of the breakfast bar, his gaze broadcasting how much he despised Sully. When he pushed away from the cabinetry, the dark haired woman grasped his sleeve and growled something in his ear. Whatever it was must be daunting, as he sat back down and took on a deflated look.
“Too bad your mom showed up.” Sully traced a fingertip along the curve of her bottom lip. The tip of her tongue flicked out to taste where he’d touched. “I really wanted to see these sweet lips wrapped around…”
Micah made a sound of frustration then whirled away from him. Her dark haired friend met her at the doorway. Her eyes showed concern as she glanced Sully’s way then hugged Micah. The woman sent a curious glance in Sully’s direction. “I think Ben is ready to go. I don’t mind hanging around, if you need me.”
“I’m okay, Diane.” Micah glared at Sully. Her cheeks were a deep scarlet, and her hands were shaking. “He was just leaving.”
Diane appraised Sully, glanced at Micah, then lifted her brows. He really didn’t give a shit if she approved of him or not.
Karla paused in the doorway, a catty smile stretching her lips. She looked Sully up and down then turned to Micah. The woman had to grip the doorframe to keep herself steady on too-tall heels. “So is this your boyfriend, Micah?”
The douchebag guy puffed out his chest and said, “This dude bothering you? I’ll walk him out.”
It wasn’t Sully’s imagination. Micah stepped closer to him, and her hand brushed against his. She said, “I have everything under control, Ben.”
Ben glared at Sully from the doorway. There was an underlying threat in his gaze. Anything he might have said was cut short when Diane gripped his elbow and dragged him out the door. Her tight voice drifted all the way to them from the front porch. “What the hell are you doing? She’s head over heels for that guy. Don’t ruin it for her.”
Sully waited until everyone had shuffled outside before he attempted to speak again.
“The truth is that I had to leave. I was called away to reap a soul.” He rolled his shoulders, secretly liking that her gaze followed the movement. “Once I receive a name, I have a very limited time frame to work in.”
“That was two days ago.” Her voice was quiet, and her gaze didn’t quite meet his.
There was a quiet anger in her voice that he didn’t like. He’d hurt her. He realized that now. Even so, her body still reacted to his. There was still a glimmer of hope.
“Believe me, I wanted to come back.” He leaned forward to press a kiss to her forehead, but she drew back. “There’s no way I could stay away any longer.”
“Then what kept you?” she asked.
“I got wrapped up in searching for my friend. Thomas really is missing.” He ran his fingertips down her arms and smiled inwardly at the goose-bumps that rose upon her skin. “I followed several leads, but they went nowhere. Right before a bunch of shadows knocked me off the balcony, they said you weren’t safe. I had to see for myself that you were okay.”
Frowning, Micah lifted his hand to examine the thin silver ring. “I haven’t seen any shadows since the mausoleum. Maybe they were just messing with your head?”
“They seemed pretty serious to me, doll.” He caressed her cheek with his free hand.
Micah leaned into it and shut her eyes. That had to be a good sign.
Chapter Ten
Micah told herself not to give a damn, but asked the question burning on her lips nonetheless. “Are you hurt?”
She also couldn't stop her hands from reaching for him. Her fingers smoothed over his shoulders and chest.
He smiled, revealing straight white teeth. “Just my pride, doll.”
God, she loved the way he called her that. If she were smart, she’d sever all ties to him, but he looked so damned good standing in her living room. Plus, the memory of their intimacy played havoc in her mind. It seemed like it was all she cou
ld think about, and she’d spent several sleepless, unsatisfied nights thanks to James Sullivan.
Her traitorous fingers ran through his hair, and her voice had lost its venom. “I really should throw you out.”
“Hmm, but if you did we couldn’t do this.” His mouth slanted over hers in a lusty kiss full of passion. Hands gripping her hips, he dragged her toward him.
Micah’s body melted against Sully’s, and she sighed. He took that opportunity to invade her mouth again. His tongue mated with hers in a tangle of hunger and urgency. She’d been a fool to think she could wash this man out of her system.
Micah’s hands rested on the soft cotton covering his chest. She ran her hands across the smooth, hard lines of his body and marveled at how the muscles bunched and corded when he moved.
“Still mad?” Sully’s lips were kiss-swollen. He looked like he might ravage her there on the living room carpet if she gave the go ahead and possibly even if she didn’t.
She licked her lips, his taste still clinging to her mouth. Did he think a few kisses would make up for how he’d made her feel? “A little.”
Micah turned her back to him then scrubbed hands over her face. Of course he wouldn’t understand how it made her feel when he didn't even bother to call. He’d gotten his kicks then left, leaving her with the notion that she hadn’t been good enough or that she was just a passing whim. Men like him used damaged women like her, then discarded them because there was always another waiting and willing.
And what he’d said about her mouth… Oh God, she probably would have done anything he’d asked that night. James Sullivan set her body aflame and it seemed only he could put out the fire. Micah sighed, knowing she was in way over her head.
Sully moved behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders. His touch was gentle, and she imagined he was trying to figure out what the hell had just happened between them.
He pressed a tentative kiss to the back of her neck as one arm wound around her waist and held her tight against his body. His hand strayed lower to brush against her hip then down her dress until finally his fingertips met bare flesh. Micah gasped when his fingers ran up the length of her leg, pushing the dress hem up and out of the way.
Sully’s lips trailed kisses from her shoulder all the way up to her ear. He licked the lobe then said, “Say the words, doll. You won’t have to see me again.”
One of Micah’s hands reached back to grip his hip and hold him in place. The other clasped around his wrist, desperate for his touch. “We have unfinished business.”
He smiled against her neck, nipping it lightly. “Yes, we do.”
His hand smoothed over her stomach, beneath the elastic of her panties. Cupping the juncture between her thighs, he allowed the tip of his middle finger to touch the sensitive bud nestled there. Within seconds, her panties were around her ankles, and the pretty dress was bunched around her waist.
Sully groaned against her shoulder when he found her wet and ready. Using her silky moisture as lubricant, he swirled his finger around the sensitive button nestled there. His fingers trailed over her lust slickened labia then dipped inside.
Micah thrust her hips against his hand as a low moan escaped her. The man could work magic with his fingers. Sully’s arm tightened around her waist, and the other hand moved up her ribs to cup a breast through the thin material of the dress. He tweaked a nipple, sending a ripple of carnal desire through her, straight to the area he was so lovingly stroking. She cried out, clawing at his hand when the pleasure became too much. Her body throbbed and pulsed, and her cries grew raspy with bliss. Eyes squeezed tight, she rode the waves of pleasure with decadent abandon until her control shattered, and she fell over the edge.
Sully didn’t stop touching her until her climax had crested and fallen. Wet fingers left a trail all the way up to her hip.
Micah was thankful for Sully’s arms around her because her legs were weak and unsteady.
“I want you, Micah.” He pressed his hips against her.
She twisted to meet his mouth. Between kisses, she said, “Bedroom. Now.”
Within moments they were next to the bed, the lamp in the corner the only source of light. Micah was unsure how she got there and didn’t care. He might have carried her, or she might have run there herself. It didn’t matter. What did matter was that they were both here now.
Her hands were on him, desperate to touch every part of him. Her fingers curled at his waistband, drawing him closer. She unbuttoned his jeans then lowered the zipper in a deliciously slow manner. He’d gone commando, so that made undressing him even easier. The broad head of his penis sprang forth to greet her. She traced a fingertip along one of the thick veins that ran the length of it and smiled when his entire body shuddered.
He pushed her onto the bed, and an oh-so-sexy predatory gaze had darkened his eyes. “I can’t promise to control myself.”
“I don’t want you to.” She fisted his t-shirt and pulled it over his head before he could protest. It hit the lamp and knocked it over. The only light was in the shape of a crescent on the wall by the door.
Micah ran her hands over him. Sully’s body was perfect, all hard planes and fine muscle. She couldn’t get enough of him.
Sully removed her dress in a fraction of the time it would have taken her. She reached for him once again, wishing the lamp provided more than shadowy light. She wanted to see his beauty, to see him touch and taste her.
“Lie back.”
When she looked at him in question, he gently pushed her down onto the mattress. Using his knee, he nudged her thighs apart. The mattress dipped beneath their combined weight as he crawled up her body, leaving kisses in his wake.
Micah gripped his waist and pulled him closer. Her hands slid up his ribcage, over his biceps then up to his shoulders. He smelled so damned good, and his body felt like silk-wrapped steel as it moved against hers.
He fed from her mouth for a moment, the head of his penis brushing against her inner thigh. Micah arched her spine, eager for him to fill her with its entire length. She ran her fingers through his hair as his tongue and teeth explored each breast. When he kissed a trail past her navel, she tried to clamp her legs shut.
Sully’s carnal gaze met hers, and it sent a shockwave of lust cascading through her. She might let him do anything he pleased so long as he never stopped looking at her like that. When his hands parted her thighs, she didn’t fight him. His tongue slid across her inner thigh and caused her entire body to tremble with anticipation. “Yes, please.”
She gripped a fistful of his hair when he drew the most sensitive parts of her into his mouth then lapped up her juices. Every now and then he slid his tongue upward into the heart of her. Her hips moved against his tongue, legs opening wider, loving the gentle rasp of stubble against her clit. She no longer wanted to hide these treasures from him, but allow him to explore them fully.
Sully devoured her like he was starving and only she could sate his hunger. He brought her to the edge of ecstasy then pushed her over the precipice. Her hips lifted from the mattress, and his hands gripped her ass, preventing her from scooting away. Micah’s inner muscles spasmed, and she clamped her legs around his shoulders. She could no longer control the rhythmic thrust of her hips or the cries of pleasure that slipped past her lips.
Sully kissed her hip when she finally stopped writhing beneath him. “You taste so damn good, doll.”
While the last of her climax still racked her, he slid up her body. Micah gripped his shoulders, and she bit her bottom lip as he allowed just the tip of his cock to slide into her. Sully withdrew a bit then pushed inside just a little further. Inch by inch she took him inside her until he was buried entirely. She moaned at the exquisite pleasure of it.
Sully withdrew partially then gripped her hips. He sheathed himself inside her again and again. Micah cried out as stars burst behind her eyelids. Her muscles squeezed and pulsed around his shaft. Lifting her knees, she wrapped her legs around his slender waist and
met each thrust with her own.
Sully gripped her tighter and groaned her name. He held her by the hips as his cock pistoned in and out. His hips hit her inner thighs, and his scrotum slapped her ass with every inward stroke. Micah dug her fingers into his shoulders and held on as he took her fast and hard. Every thrust touched something deep within her, made her cry out in pained pleasure.
Climax hit Micah hard. She let out a strangled cry and thrashed beneath him. Sully growled her name. His cock jerked inside her as his hips bucked against hers. The sensation made her own orgasm even more intense.
They clung together, riding it out to the very end. Finally, Sully rolled to the side and pulled her against him. He was still semi-hard as he drew his knees up against hers in a spoon position.
Chapter Eleven
Micah stretched and yawned. Her muscles were a little achy from a night of marathon sex. A night of delicious, decadent sex! Sully had held her only a few minutes after the first time before pulling her atop him. He'd claimed that he couldn't get enough of her then brought her to screaming orgasm again.
Just before dawn, she awoke to gentle caresses and soft kisses. This time, he'd been a tender and sweet lover. He'd taken her with slow, deliberate thrusts that made her body sing and her mind reel.
She reached across the bed to touch him, to feel his warm skin on her fingertips. Fingers gripped the empty sheets, and a shock of cold remorse shot through her. Her eyes snapped open, and she stared at the empty pillow. Sully was gone even though the bedding still held his delicious scent.
Bastard! She would not cry, would not give him the satisfaction. Instead, she rolled over and squeezed her eyes shut and concentrated on breathing past the lump of hurt disappointment that formed in her throat.